The Maths Zone

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Education Interactive

Welcome to the Maths Zone.
Click on the name of your course and log in.

For details of the mathematics education consultancy that we offer as well as an extensive variety of games and puzzles, visit our online maths shop at:


Available Courses

  • Illuminate is a course for gifted and talented students at key stage 3. This preview contains the presentations and sample materials used in the gifted and talented SOGAT course in Croydon October 2010.
  • This is a preview of Maths in a Day, the course that enables a school to run their own all day maths event.

  • The Wondermaths course is an enrichment programme for pupils in Years 5 to 7 who have shown a particular talent in mathematics. This version is a preview of the full course. To enter, click on the course name and then log in as a guest.

  • Illuminate is a maths enrichment course for KS3 pupils
  • Maths for a Day is a collection of performances, puzzles, games and maths problems packaged to create an all day maths event for a secondary school.

  • The Ark Mathematics course is a coordinated series of innovative projects that deliver the KS3 maths curriculum through a problem solving approach.

  • Welcome to the Number Partners Volunteer Training Course. This will prepare you for engaging as a volunteer  playing maths games with young people in school to develop their numeracy skills.
    Click on the course name (Number Partners Volunteer Training) and then log in to get started.
    See the Number Partners web site for full details about the scheme.
  • The Accessing GCSE maths for New Arrivals course enables pupils in years 10 and 11, who have recently arrived in the UK, to access the mathematical requirements of the GCSE course, whilst supporting their development of key mathematical vocabulary in English.
  • Wondermaths is an enrichment programme for pupils who have displayed a particular talent for mathematics in years 5 to 7. It comprises of investigations, games, puzzles and problem solving and is taught over 10 sessions.